Making do

"Making do" - this phrase has typified a cash-strapped, post-war Britain which had, by then, lost the swagger and ambition of the Victorian era.  On a more positive note, its also about achieving the best results with what resources you have.  It is also "situation normal" for the budget filmmaker.  It's easy to fall into the trap that all that idea you have needs is some new piece of gear, or another workshop or some new software package.  Oh that's just me then is it?

Occasionally, you see a piece of work that has production values that far exceed the consumer equipment used to make it.  My friend J G Harding just posted his latest music video up on Vimeo which is just such a creation.  The track is called "Clapton Pond" by Apologies, I Have None, this is an ambitious, high concept piece which I think completely belies it's zero budget origins.

To judge for yourself here is the video


To learn more about its making go to Julian's website



In a rare outbreak of collaboration, my kids have put together a music video.  Alex did it as an A-Level Media Studies project along with a fellow student - Dean Welsh.  The song Cliché was written and performed by Tuesday Hangover.  My daughter Emma is their lead singer and lyricist.  The guitarists were Will Marshall and Alex Lewis (normally the drummer) and Matt Williams on bass.  I did the recording and mix.  Due to a fixed deadline, Alex couldn't wait for the whole band to be available but the song is very much a group effort.

Will Marshall (Front), Alex  Matt Willaims











My role in the music video consisted of loaning a tripod and a lot of fretting.  I was relieved when Alex said it was all done and handed-in and I was very pleasantly surprised with the final result.  In fact Alex has set the bar awkwardly high for his Dad's debut effort.  But that is going to have to wait till we get a good recording of another of the band's growing catalogue of songs.