BMW i5 Touring First Look
He’s Not Heavy, He’s My Beemer
I have a new article on Medium. This time I have moved from Photography to Electric Vehicles.
The BMW 5-Series has long been the benchmark for executive saloons. For the first time, BMW is offering a fully electric version called the i5. Can the i5 make a case for the saloon and estate in a sea of EV SUVs and Crossovers?
How Electric Vehicles are like Digital Cameras
The transition from ICE vehicles to EVs is more complex than the move from film to digital cameras, but there are similarities.
I have a new article on Medium.
I look for parallels between the transition between film and digital photography and the move from fossil fuel to electric vehicles.
I-PACE - Three Years In
Totally not my car, but still cool. I wish Jaguar would give us its Attack Mode with another 80 Horsepower.
A review of my third year of Jaguar I-PACE ownership.
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How I found myself owning two Jaguar I-PACEs
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