NAB and Twitter

They say filmmaking is not about the gear, its about the content - the story in particular.  But NAB is not a film festival its a trade show, so for this one week, gear takes centre stage.  Less evident, but no less powerful is that NAB is about the people.  New relationships, affirmations of relations, chance encounters - it’s all here. 

This same mix of gear and people is what drew me across the Atlantic.  I have had the chance to meet many of the key people in the UK DSLR movement through events like Converge.  However, many of the people I communicate with through the likes of Twitter and blog posts.  When NAB hits Vegas, many of these people emerge from the Interweb and head for Nevada.  I had hoped for a chance to meet a few of these folks during my visit.  However, thanks to events like All-in Film and the RC Live I think I have met pretty much everyone I knew before plus lots of new folks to follow.  Not being the most socially adept person or a even “proper” creative I worried a bit about what kind of reception I would get but I found everyone to be almost universally friendly. 

All-in Film at the Had Rock

I feel heartened that the online community is capable functioning as a real community when the opportunity arises.  I feel enthused and inspired listening to what people are doing and planning.  I look forward to seeing what they produce and I will continue to strive to be worthy.